Health & Safety
You will be working alongside classmates and in a professional kitchen. From hand washing to footwear (and everything in between) our health and safety standards are enforced.
Wood Burning Stove.
Gas Burning Stove.
When in our kitchen, you will have the chance to cook with two heat sources: gas and wood. We hand-chop the wood from our own forest. Staying close to the source, wherever possible, is our mantra.
Copper Cookware
Kitchen Composting
While we have a variety of cookery in the kitchen, it's the copper that always steals the show. We match the pot with the process. But don't be surprised if you come home wanting a bit of copper in your cupboards. Eric is an expert at copper cookery. He is always happy to talk and cook copper with you!
Some say we have the best fed chickens & goats. They happen to agree! Composting is our way of life on the farm. What goes to the chickens, to the goats, or back to the earth matters to us. A sustainable farm is our ambition and as part of our team we will teach you what goes where and why.

We believe learning should be interactive and hands-on, which is why we keep our class sizes small - inviting no more than 6 persons per session. This allows for personalized attention from our expert chef, ensuring that you receive guidance and feedback necessary to gain the most pleasure out of your culinary holiday.